Friday, March 31, 2006

I dream of this.

Warning: Yet another mindless entry.
My last entry was exactly a good seven days ago. Reason for not blogging is simply due to lack of inspiration on my side. Even when some thoughts hit me, more often I'm too lazy to pen it down. Life has been rather routine for the past week. Eat, sleep, go library, hang out with friends and have fun. I'm just doing all the meaningless activities an average good-for-nothing teenager will indugle in.

Finally applied for NUS and NTU. Business as first choice followed by common engineering and then mathematical science for both Universities. It wasnt an easy task at all when it comes to choosing Uni courses. It took a weird dream that I had few nights ago to finally decide on buisness as my first choice. It sure sounds naive to plan one's future solely based on a dream. But kuku people like me make kuku decisions all the time. Its just another typical follow my instinct instead of logical thinking. This time, I'm quite certain its the right choice because the dream was just too convincing. Don't ask me what my dream was about because it is convincing and silly at the same time.

We are just a clean sheet away from a place in the semi-finals for the first time in history. C'mon Gooners, lets finish the job come next wednesday. Then I can go in Army a happy person.

Happy 19th birthday Yen Yong *^!
Can celebrate birthday at Bangkok with frens how exciting is tat man !? =)

~Nil Sine Labore


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