Monday, February 27, 2006

Time to face the music

Once upon a time, there was a boy who believed that he was destined for great things in life. All along, he just need to put in some effort in and events will definately go his way. Life has been smooth sailing for this naive boy since young. Nothing can go ever wrong for him. Recently, his beauty sleep at night has been disturbed by funny dreams. Dreams that reminded him about his failure and weakness. Dreams with such ominous signs gave him something to worry about. He feels that things will not the same this time. He sensed that Lady Luck that stood firmly by his side before has gone MIA now. It is the charming and generous smile from this mysterious lady that brought him back from the dead during prelims of Os and PSLE and lighted his path all the way to the top for the actual exam. Where is she when he needed him most ? Guess all good things will come to an end and its time for this boy to get a bitter taste of the real world. He jolly well know that his fate is no longer in his hands. There is nothing much that he can do except to hope. A third time lucky is what he will be hoping for this wednesday.

Moral of the story is "Ren shuan bu lu tian shuan". In english it simply means no matter how much mere mortals like you and I try to predict the future, it will always come up short against god's will.

~Nil Sine Labore


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